Saturday, September 29, 2012

BETH MOORE BUILDING THE ONE-WORLD CHURCH (Friday Church News Notes, January 13, 2012,,, 866-295-4143) - Beth Moore is one of the most popular female Christian speakers and authors. Her Bible-study books have sold multiplied millions of copies. Her Living Proof Live conferences, hosted by LifeWay (Southern Baptist), have drawn thousands of attendees. Moore’s meetings are attended by people from “every denomination,” because she “doesn’t get caught up in divisive doctrinal issues” and “steers clear of topics that could widen existing rifts between different streams in the body of Christ” (Charisma, June 2003). This is the unscriptural “positive-only” ecumenical philosophy that is so helpful in furthering end time apostasy and building the apostate one-world church. Paul exhorted Timothy not to allow any other doctrine (1 Tim. 1:3) and warned the brethren to avoid those who teach error, but Mrs. Moore knows better than to be so ridiculously intolerant and narrow-minded. Moore’s worship leader, Travis Cottrell, “has a uniquely fresh approach to worship that brings the church together,” an approach “that permeates every denominational wall” (LifeWay Christian Resources web site). In a conference in Houston, Texas, Moore had women sit on the platform to represent a hodge-podge of doctrine. She said, “We are a very interdenominational group; I can’t tell you how much I love that diversity.” The groups she specifically highlighted were United Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Charismatic, and Roman Catholic. Moore is the blind leading the blind. She ignores the Bible’s solemn warning about the multiplication of false teachers and the explosion of end-time apostasy. She ignores the fact that within the “denominational diversity” she “loves” is found a bewildering variety of heresies, such as baptismal regeneration, infant baptism, sacramentalism, Mariolatry, veneration of relics, popery, antinomianism, universalism, contemplative mysticism, theological modernism, and The Shack’s female goddessism, to name a few. We are living in the midst of rampant end time apostasy as prophesied in the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3-4). It is not time to “permeate” denominational walls; it is time to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints and to raise up walls of biblical separation as a godly protection from error and worldliness. Romans 16:17 and Jude 3 and similar commandments are commonly ignored by popular evangelical speakers, but they will not be ignored at the judgment seat of Christ (assuming these people are truly born again). For a video clip of Moore praising the different denominations see
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
David was the greatest singer in the Bible. He had a song for everything. David knew God. David believed God. David loved God. David sang about God. David had a lot to be thankful for. God was merciful to him and David never forgot it. David sinned in committing adultery and murder and deserved to die because of it but God spared him because he exhibited true repentance. David truly was thankful for all God did for him. David's songs give us a description of what God was to him and what God can be to us if we allow Him to.
What God was to David
Psalm 18 my strength, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my buckler, my high tower, my stay, the horn of my salvation
Psalm 23 my shepherd
Psalm 27 my light, my help, the strength of my life, my salvation
Psalm 28 my shield
Psalm 30 my helper
Psalm 31 my strong rock
Psalm 32 my hiding place
Psalm 35 my Lord
Psalm 43 the health of my countenance
Psalm 44 my King, a present help in trouble
Psalm 48 our guide even unto death
Psalm 59 my defense, the God of my Lord
Psalm 61 a shelter, a strong tower
Psalm 62 my rock, my glory, the rock of my strength, my refuge
Psalm 68 a father of the fatherless, a judge of the widows
Psalm 71 my strong habitation, my hope, my trust, my strong refuge
Psalm 75 the judge
Psalm 79 God of our salvation
Psalm 80 Shepherd of Israel, Lord God of hosts
Psalm 84 a sun and a shield
Psalm 88 Lord God of my salvation
Psalm 89 my father, my God and the rock of my salvation
Psalm 91 my refuge and my fortress
Psalm 92 my rock
Psalm 94 my defense, the rock of my refuge
Psalm 95 the rock of our salvation, a great God, a great King
Psalm 96 great, and greatly to be praised, to be feared above all gods
Psalm 99 holy
Psalm 100 good
Psalm 119 my hiding place and my shield
Psalm 121 thy keeper, thy shade
Psalm 144 my strength, my goodness, my fortress, my high tower, my deliverer, my shield
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