Tuesday, December 11, 2012

When I say the word "Freak;" what do you think it means? 

According to dictionary.com, Freak means: any abnormal phenomenon or product or unusual object; anomaly; aberration. 2. a person or animal on exhibition as an example of a strange deviation from nature; monster. 3. a sudden and apparently causeless change or turn of events, the mind, etc.; an apparently capricious notion, occurrence, etc. 4. a person who acts or dresses in a markedly unconventional or strange way; (verb Freak in action) to become or make frightened, nervous, or wildly excited.

  I saw something disturbing: a webpage describing the youth group as Teen Jesus Freaks. I don't know about you, but according to that definition that came from dictionary.com; a freak is what I was before I came to know Jesus! I think using the term "Freaks" makes them sound negative and worldly - something we're suppose to be separate from as Christians - what's wrong with Teens for Jesus, or Christian Teens. Jesus is for teens; shouldn't teens be for Jesus? Mark 5 describes a "freak" before he met Jesus, but after getting to know Him he was found clothed and in his right mind. Not a freak any longer.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hello to everyone out there!  I hope that this blessed season has everyone's spirits lifted.  We had a wonderful morning service yesterday, though many were out sick and some that were in attendance were feeling under the weather.  We decided to cancel the evening service due to the fact that so many people were feeling bad and that the weather channel was calling for icy weather; although we ended up getting mostly rain.

We will be having a special Christmas service on December 23, the morning service will begin at 11:00 followed by a pot luck dinner on the grounds.  The evening service will begin at 6:00 followed by snacks and fellowship for all.  We hope to see you there!  

We are holding a food drive for a needy local family.  If you have any non-perishables you would like to drop off, feel free to contact either myself or my wife and we can pick them up at the front desk.  (802)779-0300

Please remember to pray for those who are sick, those who are in hospitals, nursing homes and the like; and those who have suffered a loss - this time of year can be very depressing.  If you know someone who is down do something to lift their spirits - it doesn't need to be much, just show them you care.

If you have someone you would like us to pray for please contact us.  

Thank You and God Bless!

Merry CHRISTmas

Saturday, December 1, 2012

humility is nothing but the disappearance of self in the vision that God is all. The holiest will be the humblest.

Humility is the bloom and the beauty of holiness.

Where the spirit of love is shed abroad in the heart, where the divine nature comes to a full birth where Christ the meek and lowly Lamb of God is truly formed within, there is given the power of a perfect love that forgets itself and finds its blessedness in blessing others, in bearing with them and honoring them, however feeble they be. Where this love enters, there God enters. And where God has entered in His power, and reveals Himself as All, there the creature becomes nothing. And where the creature becomes nothing before God; it cannot be anything but humble towards the fellow-creature.
Brethren, here is the path to the higher life. Down, lower down! This was what Jesus ever said to the disciples who were thinking of being great in the kingdom, and of sitting on His right hand and His left. Seek not, ask not for exaltation; that is God's work. Look to it that you abase and humble yourselves, and take no place before God or man but that of servant; that is your work; let that be your one purpose and prayer. God is faithful. Just as water ever seeks and fills the lowest place, so the moment God finds the creature abased and empty, His glory and power flow in to exalt and to bless. He that humbleth himself-that must be our one careshall be exalted; that is God's care; by His mighty power and in His great love He will do it.