Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Empty Tomb

The Empty Tomb
What saith the empty tomb to me
This hallowed Easter morn?
It speaks of life and victory
And glorious hope new born.

It tells of one who hung in shame
Upon a cross of woe
That all who call upon His name
Eternal life might know

It tells me He hath risen, indeed,
And at the Father's throne
Now daily stands to intercede
For His redeemed, His own.

It tells me that because He lives
I, too, shall never die;
And everlasting hope it gives
Of Joy with Him on high.

It tells me death is overthrown
Yes, 'tis a conquered foe,
For Christ the way of life hath shown
Through Calvary's cross of woe.

What saith the empty tomb, today?
It saith, "The Lord hath risen!"
Dispelling evermore the gloom
Of death's forbidding prison.

It saith, "Look unto Him and live,
For He hath power to save;
Life everlasting He doth give,
And victory o'er the grave!"

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